Most Important Pakistan Studies MCQs- Pak MCQs for Test Preparation Updated

The Pakistan Resolution was presented by:
a. Liaquat Ali Khan
b. Allama Iqbal
c. Fazlul Huq
d. A.K. Fazlul Huq

The historic Indus Valley Civilization existed in present-day Pakistan during the:
a. Bronze Age
b. Iron Age
c. Bronze Age
d. Stone Age

The Tarbela Dam is built on the:
a. Indus River
b. Jhelum River
c. Indus River
d. Chenab River

The Pakistan Day is celebrated on:
a. June 23
b. August 14
c. March 23
d. December 25

The Mughal Emperor who shifted the capital from Delhi to Lahore was:
a. Akbar
b. Aurangzeb
c. Shah Jahan
d. Jahangir

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Pak MCQs

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