Biometric Change Form | Biometric Change Proforma pdf 2023

The biometric change in school education & literacy department is now possible through this biometric change form. This biometric change form is very to fill in. So just download this biometric change form and fill it correctly then signed it by concerned authority and submit it for biometric change.

Biometric Change Proforma pdf Download

You can download this biometric change proforma in pdf from here.
The following information is submitted for change / correction in the biometric information
of the teacher mentioned at “ A “ whose complete record has been minutely checked
Educational Documents verified and the APPOINTMENT was found GENUINE and LEGAL.

Here is some important terms for biometric change.

  1. For re-opening of Temporary closed viable school at “ C “ above without
    Affecting the STR of the school at “B” above.
  2. Strictly on need basis and to improve the STR in the school at “ C “
    Above, without affecting the STR of the school at “B” above.
  3. Other justification reason.
    I understand that the no transfer nor movement of any teacher / employee will be
    Leffective until his / her biometrics record is change in the date center of SED. Accordingly ,
    he / she has been advised to remain in the school as at “ B “ above until he / she receives
    a text message through ILMI about change of biometrics .

Here is Biometric Change Proforma pdf Download it now and change your biometric.

Biometric Change Form | Biometric Change Proforma pdf Download
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